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The Language of Referrals


Kickoff Video

Clients Rave

“After learning Bill Cates’ system, I doubled my income that same year. The following year I grew by another 40%. Cates’ system works. I highly recommend learning everything you can from Bill Cates.'”

Aquiles Larra

“Since we started working with Bill, we’ve gotten more referrals in the last 3-6 months than we did in 3-5 years before. Bill makes asking for referrals as natural as taking a breath.”

Charlie Epstein
President, Epstein Financial Services (Springfield, MA)

“Bill Cates’ process has been amazing. The key has been the confidence I’ve gained. On my very first appointment after going through your program I obtained 2 solid introductions, both of whom converted into new clients.”

Zoe Bonet
(Houston, TX)

“Just yesterday, I used Bill’s V.I.P.S. Method and it generated over 5 referrals inside one family alone. Fast, easy business. I’m helping these people, and I’m gaining business I wouldn’t have gotten without this process.”

Garret Williams
(Ft. Wayne, IN)

“Because of Cates’ system, I qualified for our Leaders Club my very first year (which was only 6 months long) and every year since. The biggest complaint amongst advisors is that they don’t have enough people to call, which I believe is their own fault. I can honestly say I probably would not have made it had I not been introduced to Bill’s program.”

Gary Yaglenski
(Perkasie, PA)

“I have been in business for 24 years and was never comfortable asking for the dreaded word: referrals. I am using Bill’s word crafting and it WORKS! I am having so much fun now.”

Robin Wollfe
(Miami, FL)


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Referral Coach