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Is it really possible to build a successful referral-only practice without asking for referrals? I have to admit, until I started interviewing top advisors for my podcast, I was skeptical about this possibility. I have worked…


On March 28, I’ll be hosting our next webinar on how to ask for referrals without pushing or begging. And as you might imagine, timing is everything. The when to ask for referrals is a critical piece of the puzzle.

Some people ask for referrals (introductions) much too soon in their new relationships. While others wait entirely too long to ask – if they ever ask at all. Just like Goldilocks wanted the chair, the soup, and the bed “just right” you want your timing to be just right.

There are three things to keep in mind re: the timing of when to ask…

STOP asking too soon and STOP waiting too long. Make your timing JUST RIGHT!


I am often asked, “How often can I ask my client for referrals?” The thought of asking for referrals more than once feels pushy to some.

This is a hard question to answer, because it depends a lot on the client – how open they are to giving referrals, how connected they are, and who in their life you’ve discovered to suggest for a possible introduction.

There are two keys to asking for referrals a second or third time (or more)…


During a phone call with a client, planning the agenda for a speech, my client wanted to make sure I would address how to ask for referrals over the phone. And while asking for referrals (and getting introductions) is usually best done in person, it’s certainly possible to be effective over the phone. Heck, most of the referrals and introductions I receive are accomplished this way.


Are you getting referrals or introductions without asking for them?  You should be, you know. Your ability to generate unsolicited referrals is a barometer of your referability. While there are a number of factors that…


Getting referrals and introductions without asking for them is probably the most fun way to grow your business – especially if you’re getting introduced to the right types of people. In this blog, I’ll provide…


You may be great at the work you do and you may have great relationships with most of your clients. And you may be making two critical mistakes that are keeping your clients from introducing you to others.

Mistake #1 – See how busy I am.

Mistake #2 – See how successful I am.


Excerpted from Bill’s new book… The Language of Referrals: The Words & Scripts Financial Professionals Use to Win More Ideal Clients This article is Part 2 of a 6-part series. To access Part 1, CLICK HERE….


We are human… therefore, we have made assumptions about the client acquisition process that guides our actions. Some of these assumptions serve us and some of them don’t. I’ve just launched my newest online academy…


In his book, Atomic Habits, James Clear writes, “Your outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits. Your net worth is a lagging measure of your financial habits. Your weight is a lagging measure of your…

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Referral Coach